Managing Interview Anxiety

Prepare services employees and internal candidates to interview with confidence

Interviewing internally or externally for a new job can be a stressful situation. Offering training to your employees to help them reduce anxiety, handle questions with confidence, and land their next job is an important benefit to any HR program. Bodyswaps, experts in virtual reality HR training, developed this preparation module to help companies improve career development. This VR interview training is typically used in conjunction with the virtual interview training module, Job Interview Simulation, also by Bodyswaps.

Headset Availability:
Oculus Quest1, 2, Pro, HTC Focus+, Pico Neo 2, Pico Neo 3
What You'll Learn

This virtual reality content will help interviewees to better understand what makes them anxious in a job interview and explore ways to reduce that anxiety. Users will answer questions and practice techniques to:

  • Identify the reasons why they may be experiencing anxiety
  • Learn skills to overcome that anxiety
  • Practice a self-counseling technique for overcoming personal concerns

The VR Experience

Users of this VR job interview preparation session, will enter an immersive virtual reality simulation where they will be asked questions about how interviews make them feel considering past interviews, the interview they are preparing for or interviewing for their dream job. Once their concerns are properly identified, the VR interview experience will then provide training on self-counseling skills to overcome their concerns. Learners are also provided non-VR exercises to work on meditation and self-affirmation before a big interview. Once these anxiety reduction techniques are mastered, learners typically continue on to virtual job interview training where they can practice answering questions in a virtual interview. The combination of the interview anxiety training and the interview practice in the virtual interview training allows employees to fine-tune their body language, eye contact, and responses to confidently handle their next face-to-face interview.

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