Hear from PIXO VR Content Portfolio Director Brad Waid as we get ready for AWE 2022:
AWE 2022 | June 1-3 | Santa Clara, CA
Where XR Business Thrives
AWE, which stands for Augmented World Expo and was created by founder Ori Inbar in 2010. It is the premier event for all things in the field of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Realities, also known as XR (Extended Reality).
Their mission is to help the XR community advance Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology in order to further human progress.
It is because of this mission that we are pleased to share that we at PIXO VR will be not only attending AWE, but we will be very active sharing, speaking and demonstrating our VR capabilities.
If you are a developer who has VR content in the Collaboration, Training and Education segment, stop by our booth during one of our 10-minute workshops to find out how you can work with PIXO to monetize your VR content. Our sessions will take place 11:30 AM and 3:45 PM on June 2nd, and 10:30 AM on June 3rd. Contact me (@techbradwaid or Brad Waid) on social media to find out more and for a 20% discount code to attend AWE.
In addition to what we will be doing at our booth, we will also be putting on a panel on June 2nd in Grand Ballroom C from 1:55-2:25 PM called Scaling Enterprise VR Training: Overcoming the Challenges to Scale where we will be speaking with Chick-Fil-A about how they are using the power of VR to improve their training.
If you have never been to AWE, consider attending the event. You won’t be disappointed. If you are attending AWE this year, let us know we would love to see you.
For more information about PIXO VR you can visit our website at pixovr.com and for more information about AWE please visit awexr.com
-Brad Waid

PIXO Has Improved VR Management to One Easy Step

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