PIXO VR was recently featured on CNBC, alongside Microsoft and STRIVR for our work in saving lives and millions of dollars in the prevention of workplace accidents with virtual reality training.
In this feature, CNBC covers the rapidly growing market for virtual reality training, expected to reach $2.2 billion by 2022 according to Greenlight Insights.
Let’s take a quick look at why virtual reality is exploding in the training industry. And, why industry analysts are increasingly looking to training, not gaming, as the fastest growing segment for the future of virtual reality.

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How Virtual Reality Training is Saving Lives
In 2017, there were over 713 fall fatalities and over 4,414 preventable workplace accidents, numbers that have been rising year over year. Virtual reality is the most effective way to begin training against these dangerous scenarios, realistically and memorably, to lower these unnecessary injuries and fatalities.
Virtual Reality Training Can Simulate High-risk Scenarios
VR training can effectively recreate scenarios and environments that would otherwise be impossible to simulate in the real world.
Construction workers, first responders, and military personnel work in environments that are often too costly or risky to recreate with traditional training methods. Virtual reality is now allowing these high-risk workers to step into the most challenging real-world circumstances, while in the safety of a virtual training environment.
Virtual Reality Creates Engaging and Realistic Environments
Unlike traditional training practices, where slides, photos, and videos are the only ways to help students peer into realistic on-the-job scenarios, VR training puts them in the center of the action.
There is no tuning out, doodling, or flipping through Facebook while the instructor is trying to keep them safe. They’re 15-stories up, in the middle of a blazing chemical fire, or clearing a building. Believe me, they’re engaged, or they’re dead — with the fortunate ability to respawn and learn from their inattention.
All of this in a Practical and Hands-on Way with Proven Retention
Trainers are always looking for ways to help their students retain these life-saving skills. Virtual reality is a proven solution. Research continues to show and reinforce the power of virtual reality in learning retention. Recent studies document significantly higher retention rates when students are involved in VR training versus more conventional training methods.
These learning retention studies continue to reveal the same principle results — student engagement and hands-on learning combine to achieve higher levels of retention. Virtual reality is one of the few learning methods, other than more dangerous and costly on-the-job training, that can provide both of these essential elements.
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How Virtual Reality Training is Saving Companies Millions
Many training directors are nervous about proposing virtual reality training initiatives because they assume that it’s too costly. The reality is quite the opposite — VR training is saving millions.
Virtual Reality Hardware and Software Costs Continue to Shrink
VR training, and specifically the hardware necessary to drop into these virtual environments, has long ago descended into the range of retail buyers.
Ask around your office. There are probably more than a handful of co-workers with kids rocking HTC Vives and Oculus Rifts to play their favorite video games — the same hardware you need to run a high-end VR training program.
You can easily outfit a state-of-the-art virtual reality learning studio for less than $2,000, a number that is sure to continue to drop. In fact, some of your conference rooms probably have more expensive projectors, (and who uses those anymore?).
Done Conventionally, Complicated or High-risk Training Can Be Very Expensive
Another aspect of the cost equation is the cost of the actual training. Complicated and risky practice often involves high-tech training facilities, expensive instructors, and travel and expenses — for each student.
VR training turns all of that into a realistic virtual training environment that all of your workers can safely train in, from wherever they work (even on a remote job site). And with PIXO’s Multi-User VR, you can also have multiple workers training together in the same virtual environment, while remotely located all over the world.
Virtual Reality Training Improves Speed to Competency and On-the-job Performance
Because traditional training often requires special facilities, instructor availability, and travel and expenses the ability to quickly train new workers is challenging and often bottlenecked.
With VR training, your training scenarios, instructors, and even assessments can be built right into the training modules, making them available on-demand to equip new workers. Furthermore, trainees can accomplish and re-accomplish training as often as they need to, or even refresh themselves at will.
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How Virtual Reality Training Could Improve Your Training Program
Now it’s your turn to imagine all of the ways that virtual reality can enhance your current training programs.
Here are just a few of the things we hear from clients about their first VR training pilot programs.
More Engaging Learning Environment
Students love VR training. They are curious about the training format and then fascinated by the ability to leap into real-world challenges, even the most dangerous ones. No one is looking to get out of training when there is a virtual reality option. It’s too cool!
Better Learning Retention
We have cited the research, but companies are seeing the results. They can put the hardest — but at the same time, most realistic — on-the-job situations in front of students over and over again until they handle these scenarios flawlessly.
Train More Workers, Faster — Even if They’re Remote
No more complicated scheduling of workers, instructors, facilities, and travel. VR training gives you the ability to train your workforce wherever they may be, whenever they are available.
You Might Even Lower Your Training Costs
Don’t sweat the cost. There is an excellent possibility that virtual reality is your most cost-effective training choice.
Are you ready to give it a try?
There’s little question that virtual reality technology is ready for serious use in corporate training. In many cases, VR training has become the best, (and maybe only realistic), way to accomplish a wide variety of learning objectives. How will you pilot your first VR training experience? PIXO VR can help.
Custom — or Customized — Virtual Reality Training Solutions
PIXO VR makes it easy to work with us to get the solutions you need to fit your training objectives and budget.
With our growing Content Library, which offers individual modules that teach and train basic and almost universally needed skills, (such as OSHA hazard detection), you can get into VR training with a low-cost, “off-the-shelf” approach. Experiences in our
Content Library start at just $475.00/month, with the flexibility to personalize those lessons to your company’s specs for an additional fee.
Looking for something more specific? Let’s talk about custom VR training options for your business.
Working with our award-winning team of 3D artists, designers, and engineers, we can use our state-of-the-art platform to build a custom Virtual Reality Training experience for any business.
Contact us today to discuss your training objectives and get a free quote.
We’re building new realities, every day
PIXO VR thinkers and makers are always innovating exciting new VR training content. Contact us to demo one of our current Content Library experiences, or to discuss a custom VR Training solution.
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