Housekeeping Safety Rules - Construction Site

Help construction workers learn housekeeping to keep worksites safe

A safe construction site has to be created and maintained by its workers. Providing construction workers with training and practice on construction housekeeping rules is critical to developing a culture of safety. This virtual reality (VR) course provides an immersive simulation of a construction site in order to train workers to mitigate hazards with good construction housekeeping. This course is often used with Construction Hazard Recognition and Fire Prevention training courses.

Headset Availability:
Oculus Quest 1, 2, Pro, HTC Vive, HTC Focus Plus, HTC Focus 3, Pico Neo 3
What You'll Learn

Employees taking the VR construction housekeeping training will learn and practice how to keep construction areas clean, organized, and safe from hazards. Employees will learn housekeeping for:

  • Hand tools
  • Electrical and lockout tagout environments
  • Environmental and industrial hygiene
  • Confined space and hot work
  • Dropped item prevention and protection

The VR Experience

This VR training course has a tutorial, which takes the user through a life-like construction site guiding the employee on housekeeping rules and what to do in order to remove hazards. The user will learn to recognize hazards and mitigate them in five different areas. These are 1) with proper storage and care of hand tools, 2) keeping electrical and tagout environments clear of debris, 3) how to maintain proper environmental and industrial hygiene on the worksite, 4) proper housekeeping around confined spaces and hot work sites, and 5) how to prevent and protect against dropped items such as tools. After the user has finished their practice within the tutorial, they can take the graded assessment. The user will face unique housekeeping hazards randomized from millions of possible construction site configurations and must appropriately recognize and remove the hazards. Once complete, they can review their performance and final score, which is a combination of correctly identified hazards, ignored hazards, and incorrectly identified non-hazards.

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