So, you’ve hired your new team members. Now the hard part: properly training them in a purely online setting.
VR training solutions have the power to make your workforce safer, your products better, and your employees more engaged.
To help facilitate the training of multiple employees across your business, large or small, you will need the equivalent of a VR Content Management System, or ‘CMS’.
Whether you’ve developed your own training software, want to license existing content, or need a custom solution, distributing that content was once a significant challenge for businesses of all sizes. But for all of its turmoil, 2020 brought at least some good news for business: the process has gotten much easier with the arrival of the PIXO Apex platform.
We’ve taken the liberty of listing the tools and equipment necessary to access and distribute VR content to train employees anywhere in the world, anytime.
How To Access More VR Content
VR training can allow for many end users to participate in low-risk and cost-effective exercises, making it attractive for industries such as construction, energy, engineering, military, medical fields, education, and first responders.
However, many businesses have assumed that the costs and processes needed to access and implement VR training content on a significant scale put its benefits beyond their immediate reach.
With a VR CMS, not only is content itself more readily available, but distribution of that content to employees is now easier than ever, whether you want to license existing content, have content of your own, or are developing original content through a third party.
Licensing Existing VR Content
Creating custom training content can be both costly and time consuming. Often, what companies are looking for already exists in the market, making a bespoke or custom-made VR solution unnecessary.
For those working in manufacturing or general industry, for example, PIXO offers an OSHA-based Hazard Recognition training module. Created with OSHA’s General Industry Standards, this module helps train employees in VR for skills taught in 10-hour and 30-hour OSHA courses. This is the kind of training that could work across companies, or even industries.
The PIXO Content Collection features numerous, licensable training titles developed both by PIXO and curated from our trusted network of Content Partners that can help your company improve learning retention, reduce costs and risk, and create a culture of safety and collaboration.
Our training titles include Fall Protection, Hazard Recognition, First Responder Operations (HazMat), Natural Gas Leak Emergency Response, Confined Spaces, Electrical Safety (Substation), and many more.
Distributing Your Original VR Content
What if you’re already investing in creating custom content? How do you get VR content into the hands and headsets of your employees? For companies that want to create their own training or other content, either internally or with the help of a third party, a VR CMS like PIXO Apex is ideal for distributing and seamlessly integrating that content for any number of potential applications.
With Apex, you can even generate an additional stream of revenue by licensing your own custom content to other companies that would benefit from its use, all using a private and secure network.
Every day, major enterprises are looking for more VR content to license for their business. In fact, there are scarcely enough VR developers to keep up with the exploding demand. At the same time, on the supply side, companies are completing proof-of-concept projects that would work for more than one company, or provide the basis for more titles, yet sit on the shelf and go nowhere.
With a marketplace like Apex provides, VR, AR, and MR users and makers can not just find and access content, but also monetize it as an available title in our content library.
How to Distribute VR Training (and Other) Content
In the past, implementing VR technology across an organization has been confusing and costly. Administrators and IT workers had to spend hours downloading and transferring training content to individual employees and devices in their fleet.
Thanks to PIXO Apex, this is no longer necessary, at least in most cases.
As a VR CMS platform, PIXO Apex makes VR training distribution simple. With one system, enterprises can now provision VR content directly to devices and users for immediate download, enabling the technology to scale.
Our all-in-one, cloud-based platform allows organizations to access, distribute, and manage all of their VR training (and other VR content) across numerous global endpoints and thousands of devices and users, all from one easy-to-use, web-based portal. For businesses looking to distribute VR Training content and use it simply and easily across an organization, it represents the perfect solution.
How does it work?
PIXO Apex Control Center
PIXO Apex’s Control Center gives administrators an easy way to create, edit, and manage users within their organization. From this Control Center, administrators can also extend and revoke permissions, collect and analyze session data on dashboards, and distribute training content directly to their employees’ fleet of VR devices.
PIXO Apex Hub
Once VR training titles have been provisioned for your employees in the Control Center, they can be downloaded and played instantly using the PIXO Apex Hub. The Hub is an app downloaded onto the VR headset itself, which can be accessed as a virtual point of departure to VR training and other programs.
PIXO Apex Bridge
With Bridge, PIXO Apex communicates with both the Apex Control Center and Hub, providing the “heartbeat” of the system. Through Bridge, Apex can be integrated with existing LMSs and seamlessly coupled within an organization’s IT infrastructure.
Cross-platform Support
PIXO Apex is compatible with the most popular XR devices and VR headsets, including the Microsoft HoloLens 2, HTC Vive/Vive Pro, HP Reverb G2, Oculus Quest 2, and many more. So, no matter what option you choose, Apex will work with your entire hardware fleet.
Multi-Participant Training and Solo Training
VR training isn’t just great for individual employees who need to learn skills, but for teams that need to work together, regardless of their physical location or time zone.
PIXO features multi-user VR training to allow up to dozens of users to communicate, collaborate, and interact in the same virtual training environment.
Click here to see an example of multi-user VR training in live time.
Start Distributing VR Content Today
VR training experiences allow employees to learn and test themselves in a 3D immersive environment without negative repercussions. And not only does VR increase the learning and retention rate for employees, but it’s also a major draw for recruiting new employees who see working with VR as a perk of the job.
As the need for VR training increases, even the largest enterprises can access a complete end-to-end solution to distribute and manage content across several continents and end users efficiently. With PIXO Apex, we’ve created the perfect solution to do just that.

PIXO Has Improved VR Management to One Easy Step