VR does not fail in value, it fails in execution title card

VR Doesn’t Fail in Value, It Fails in Execution. Here’s How to Get It Right.

For more information and to take a deeper dive into VR and how it could work for your organization, check out our FREE whitepapers, here! Great innovation projects fail either because the technology is too new and too hard to … Read More

Title card about if your innovation projects make a difference

Are Your Innovation Projects Making a Difference? Here’s 11 Successes to Inspire Reinvestment.

For more information and to take a deeper dive into VR and how it could work for your organization, check out our FREE whitepapers, here! Your job is important. There are a lot of incredible technologies that could drive improvements … Read More

Title card showing to be successful, you need to bring in IT

7 Ways IT Is Critical to a Training Manager’s Success

For more information and to take a deeper dive into VR and how it could work for your organization, check out our FREE whitepapers, here! There is a lot of new technology that training managers are being asked to incorporate … Read More

Title card showing VR may have failed before, but keep trying

It’s Not Your Fault Your VR Project Failed. Here’s Why It’s Worth Trying Again

For more information and to take a deeper dive into VR and how it could work for your organization, check out our FREE whitepapers, here! We get it, adding virtual reality (VR) to training is a huge leap. Traditional training … Read More

3 tiers of VR training certifications

PIXO Offers VR Trainer Certifications to Users

Train With PIXO, and Become a Certified Virtual Reality Trainer! Berkley, Mich. — Enterprise extended reality (XR) solutions provider, PIXO VR, which launched its platform for delivery of VR/AR workplace training content, in 2020, has again pushed the industry forward … Read More

Keep employee wellness high with VR even when budgets are tight title card

Why Employee Wellness Is Critical When Budgets Are Tight

The following is an excerpt from our whitepaper: ‘5 Ways VR Training Helps Companies Even in an Economic Downturn’: According to the CDC, nearly 1 in 5 Americans experience mental illness in a given year. That means about 20% of … Read More

Why soft skill training is critical even when budgets are tight title card

Want a High-Performing Workplace? Start With Communication and Respect

The following is an excerpt from our whitepaper: ‘5 Ways VR Training Helps Companies Even in an Economic Downturn’: Some of the biggest challenges in the workplace today involve the interpersonal relationships and interactions between employees. This can be even … Read More