VR Training for Workplace Safety
Elevate Workplace Safety with Virtual Reality Training
New Realities in 21st Century Workforce Training

Safety and Skills Training That Actually Changes Behavior
Safety training with VR has been proven to improve learner recall accuracy, learning retention, and takes less time to train. And companies using VR for workplace safety training have seen less safety incidents and qualitatively have noted that workers actually enjoy the training.
Most importantly, a safety study conducted on miners using VR safety training to avoid safety hazards showed a 43% reduction in lost time from injury since using virtual reality. Adding VR to workplace safety training programs is a simple way to get your employees hands-on training that is immersive and incredibly effective at keeping workers safe. And VR technology can actually be less expensive than classroom training at scale.
VR Training Course Users Are :
4x faster to train compared to classroom training
2.75x more confident to apply skills learned after training
3.75x more connected to content than classroom learners
4x more focused than e-learning peers

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VR Is Improving Training Outcomes and Keeping Employees Engaged
Keeping employees safe is paramount in the workplace today. Whether you’re in a retail store stocking shelves, on a manufacturing floor, a construction site, or working the fryer at a local restaurant, there are always hazards. With a fast-aging workforce, and shrinking pool of qualified workers to replace them, suffering through an ineffective safety training program is a recipe for waste, added expense, and costly mistakes. That said, worker safety training does not need to be complicated.
There hasn’t been much change in workplace safety training over the past few decades and younger employees aren’t a fan of classroom worker safety training. Companies need a more engaging and effective solution for workplace safety, and VR (virtual reality) can provide that. Virtual reality studies have proven that VR safety training is highly engaging, reduces the time needed to train, and provides a virtual real-world experience without real-world risk.

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Get Virtual Reality Training for Workplace Safety, Available Now

PIXO VR Safety Training: Your Blueprint for a Safe Workplace

PIXO VR helps companies meet OSHA standards while quickly onboarding new employees. PIXO provides a marketplace of standard VR safety content like Fall Protection, Lockout / Tagout, and CPR. It also has industry-specific virtual reality training like Gas Leak Response, Construction Site Hazard Recognition, and First Responder Training. PIXO and its VR partners create workplace safety training that engages your employees, while giving them what feels like a real-life experience—which is a powerful learning environment. PIXO can also help companies who have very specific equipment or unique safety procedures create VR safety training appropriate for their needs.
Virtual reality works well with existing worker safety training when it is used to break up a long day of classroom training. It can also be used remotely—allowing employees to absorb content at their location in smaller chunks when they have the time.
Get the best practices for blending VR training into your existing safety training program
Virtual content through PIXO comes with robust data tracking and reporting metrics on training effectiveness. This data gives Health and Safety Directors the visibility they need to set the proper standards for safety and compliance in the workplace, minimizing risks and mistakes, and reducing the potential for OSHA fines and lawsuits.